



Does Apple provide localized strings for common NSButton titles, such as the equivalents to OK, Cancel, Try Again, and Quit?

I'm attempting to create a custom NSError object from one handed to me by another Cocoa framework. I want to implement the NSErrorRecoveryAttempting informal protocol to let the user Try Again or Quit if an error occurs. For (brief) example:

NSString *cachesDir = ...;
NSError  *error     = nil;
BOOL     success    = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:cachesDir withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:&error];

// Failed creating the directory.
if (!success)
 NSMutableDictionary *errorUserInfoCopy = [[[error userInfo] mutableCopy] autorelease];

 NSArray *recoveryOptions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Try Again", @"Quit", nil];
 [errorUserInfoCopy setObject:recoveryOptions forKey:NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey];

 NSError *newError = [NSError errorWithDomain:[error domain] code:[error code] userInfo:errorUserInfoCopy];
 [NSApp presentError:newError];

In line 10, NSArray *recoveryOptions = ..., does Apple provide a way to easily get localized versions of Try Again/Quit (among other common NSButton titles)? Or must I manually populate .strings files and use NSLocalizedString() instead?

Apple does provide localized recovery options for non-customized NSError's:

NSArray *recoveryOptions = [anError localizedRecoverySuggestion];

But this usually just defaults to a localized "OK". It's not suitable for custom NSErrorRecoveryAttempting.


It appears that Apple does not.

Dave Gallagher