



i have a value that can be integer, float or string, and i create diferent columns:

class MyClass(Base):

    #id and other Columns
    _value_str = Column(String(100))
    _value_int = Column(Integer)
    _value_float = Column(Float)

    def __init__(self,...,value):
        self._value_str = value if isinstance(value,(str,unicode)) else None
        self._value_int = value if isinstance(value,int) else None
        self._value_float = value if isinstance(value,float) else None

and i would like to do something like this:

>>> value = 'text'
>>> my_class = MyClass(value, ...)
>>> my_class.value
>>> 'text'
>>> session.add(my_class)
>>> session.commit()
#specialy this
>>> result = session.query(Myclass).filter(Myclass.value == 'text').one()
>>> print result.value 
>>> 'text'

Maybe i have a design problem, i accept any good idea

I'm newbe in SQLAlchemy



Probably a design problem - a bit of a mismatch between your DB and Python. In SQL variables (columns) have a type, whereas in python values have the type.

One possibility would be to use a single column (a string), but pickle the value before you store it.

This can be accomplished automatically with a sqlalchemy custom type.

Something along the lines of the following (uses jsonpickle to do the conversion rather than cpickle):

import sqlalchemy.types as types
import jsonpickle
from copy import deepcopy

class JsonType(types.MutableType, types.TypeDecorator):    
    impl = types.Unicode

    def process_bind_param(self, value, engine):
        return unicode(jsonpickle.encode(value))

    def process_result_value(self, value, engine):
        if value:
            rv = jsonpickle.decode(value)
            return rv
            return None

    def copy_value(self, value):
        return deepcopy(value)

    def compare_values(self, x, y):
        return x == y

And then use it as follows:

class MyClass(base):
    value = Column(JsonType())
grate!!, i was looking for something like that, but documentations is really bast, thank you
look, could interest you, this is an option ussing MapperExtention
Note with this answer that you can't use db functions e.g. sum() on any floats or ints that you store.The docs are actually quite good with SQLAlchemy - they have to cover a lot of ground - but yes, could do with at few more real world examples.