I would like to publish my application, which is AGPL. It can be downloaded from my website. But the archive also contains other libraries with different licenses:
- XStream (BSD)
- GWT (Apache2)
- gwt-dnd (Apache2)
- gwt-upload (Apache2)
- Commons Fileupload (Apache2)
- JDOM (Apache-style)
- iText (AGPL)
- JFreeChart (LGPL)
- JavaMail (JavaMail)
I didn't change any of these libraries, I just use them. What do I have to do?
- Do I have to mention the used libraries on my website or in the COPYING file in my application archive?
- Do I have to mention the authors?
- Do I have to mention all the licenses?
- Do I have to provide all the licenses somehow to my users?
Since answering to my question could be legal advice and therefore problematic, is there a project online which looks similar to mine? Perhaps there is an "anonymous" answer to my question?