The components of the URLs of the Django app I'm working on are very 'pluggable', and different combinations of them get used in various urlpatterns, so our looks something like:
rev = r'(/R\.(?P<rev>\d+))?'
repo_type= r'^(?P<repo_type>svn|hg)/'
path = r'/dir/(?P<path>.*)$'
# etc.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(repo_type_param + r'view-source' + opt_rev_param + path_param, view_source),
(repo_type_param + r'history' + path_param, history),
(repo_type_param + r'revision' + opt_rev_param + r'/$', revision),
) #etc.
Which seems like a nice way to keep things clean. However, I found I kept getting NoReverseMatch errors when I tried to reverse any of the views pointed to by the urlpatterns. After a lot of tinkering, I found that using the full raw string in the pattern, rather than concatenating the substrings, fixed the problem.
So, is it really necessary to use only raw strings in urlpatterns? I couldn't find this documented anywhere. Bug or feature? Having to copy and paste regex patterns that get used repeatedly seems like a violation of DRY.