Hi guys.. I am trying to load bunch of product detail into a canvas component from a List component.
Every time the user clicks on a product inside my List, the product detail will be displayed in the canvas component. The product detail might contain null and I want to check it before displaying in my canvas component.
In my canvas component, I use createcomplete to check if the productDetail==null then do something. My problem is if the user clicks the product with the non-null detail first time, the statement "if (productDetail==null) then do something" won't work if the user click a null product detail because the canvas component has been created the first time user clicks a non-null product detail.
I want to check if the productDetail==null every time the user click a product...I hope I explain my question well and appreciate any helps.
My code..
protected function changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void{
compDetailinfoResult.token=getCompList.compDetail(event.target.selectedItem.productId);//get the product detail clicked by the user
<s:List dataProvider={productData}/> //when user click a product,
//the canvas will show product detail..
<comp:productDetail productData={compDetailinfoResult.lastResult} //custom property
change="changeHandler"/> //if the product detail is
//null, the statement inside
//the canvas will check via
//creationComplete. but if the
//user click the non-null product,
//the creationComplete check pass. User clicks a null product again,
//the check won't work anymore...
code for my productDetail component:
public var productData:arrayCollection
protected function canvas1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
var undefinedBrand:String=dataFromClick.getItemAt(0).brand;
if(undefinedBrand==null){ // I want to check every time the user click a List item
brand.text="Brand: No Brand";
<label id="brand" text="productDate.getItemAt(0).brand"/>
//I want the brand to be displayed..
//but if brand is null..it will display No Brand..
//see AC above...but createComplete only fire once.
//Anyway to keep tracking if the brand that is sent by List is null?
Thanks for the helps..