




Similar to the code written below exists in production. Could you people review it and tell me if such code works well all the time.

class Base
        virtual void process() = 0;

class ProductA : public Base
    void process()
        // some implementation.

    void setSomething(int x)


    virtual void doSomething()
         // doSomething.


class ProductANew : public ProductA
        ProductANew() : ProductA() { }
        void doSomething()
           // do Something.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Base* bp = new ProductANew();
+7  A: 

With good design you wouldn't need a dynamic_cast. If process() can't be called without calling setSomething() first they should have been exposed in the same base class.

Yes.. that is one of the review comments I was expecting. Thanks.
A good design for what? Are - just a wild guess - the subclasses of Base going to encapsulate the implementation of algorithms and then these objects are going to be arranged as a network of processes? If so, sharptooth advice of exposing doSomething() on Base interface doesn't look like a good idea to me...
@miquelramirez, what if setSomething(int x) is made part of Base method and provide a default implementation ? We would not need a dynamic_cast to Product right.
@miquelramirez, well setSomething(int x) has to be virtual though.
+19  A: 

Some problems:

  • the base class must have a virtual destructor
  • you never delete the object allocated with new
  • you never test the result of dynamic_cast
+1  A: 

Generally you'll find that code which can't even compile is badly designed.

Base* bp = new ProductANew();

This line can't work because ProductANew isn't inherited from Base in any way, shape or form.

$ gcc junk.cc
junk.cc: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
junk.cc:41: error: cannot convert ‘ProductANew*’ to ‘Base*’ in initialization

(Just to be clear: junk.cc contains your code cut and pasted.)

Edited to add...

Latecomers may want to look at the history of the original question before down-voting. ;)

-1 the 'delete' button can be used to remove spurious answers so that people's time isn't spent reading them.
Pete Kirkham
+3  A: 

There's one actual error and a bunch of dangerous/questionable practices:

The one error is that you never call delete on your newed object, so it leaks.

Questionable practices:

  1. Base doesn't have a virtual destructor, so if you correct the error by calling delete or using an auto_ptr, you'll invoke undefined behaviour.
  2. There's no need to use dynamic allocation here at all.
  3. Polymorphic base classes should be uncopyable to prevent object slicing.
  4. You're using a dynamic_cast where it's not neccessary and without checking the result - why not just declare bp as a pointer to ProductANew or ProductNew?
  5. ProductANew doesn't need a constructor - the default one will do just fine.

A few of these points may be a result of the nature of your example - i.e. you have good reason to use dynamic allocation, but you wanted to keep your example small.

Joe Gauterin
IIRC, on most platforms an application's heap is automatically released upon termination. As such, omitting `delete` is definitely not recommended, but is not an error per se, and will not necessarily cause a leak.
I'd still view any object that's hasn't been destroyed by the end of the program as an error - but you're right, on any modern consumer environment it's not an issue unless the object is holding some other resources that the OS can't clean up for you.
Joe Gauterin