i am using the following code for the mail composer sheet in iPad application. I used the same code for iPhone. It worked.
I am writing the game in iPad using cocos2d. The game is in landScape mode. The control in EmailScene is stopping at [picker presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; It is not giving any error. Should I change my code for iPad ?
@interface EmailScene : CCScene <MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate>
MFMailComposeViewController *picker;
@implementation EmailScene
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
[self displayComposerSheet];
return self;
// Displays an email composition interface inside the application. Populates all the Mail fields.
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] pause];
picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;
//Fill in the email as you see fit
NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"[email protected]"];
[picker setToRecipients:toRecipients];
//display the view
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:picker.view];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] stopAnimation];
//When I commented the following two lines the mail page is opening.
//[picker presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
//[picker release];
But, the problem is my game is in landscape mode and the mail sheet is displayed in portrait mode. Thank you.