



I am using JQGrid in one of my web project. I am using xml as the data and able to get the data fine. But the problem is in the grid for pagers icons are not visible. If i move the mouse over the pager then i get a focus on that. Below is my code. Any images are css am i missing...

jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ url:'http://localhost:85/arabiadc/website/admin/getbusinesstypes/1', datatype: 'xml', colNames:['Id','Business Type', 'Is-Active'], colModel :[ {name:'Id', index:'category_id', width:75, align:'center'}, {name:'Business Type', index:'category_name', width:490}, {name:'Is-Active', index:'isactive', width:80, align:'center'}, ], pager: '#pager', height:450, rowList: [50, 100, 150], rowNum:50, sortname: 'category_name', sortorder: 'desc', viewrecords: true, caption: 'Business Types ' }).navGrid('#pager',{view:true, del:false} ); });