Hello guys.. I am trying to finish up my applications but encounter a big problem.. I have 3 applications that will display on different page. ex:product.html will contain product.mxml, new product.html will contain newProduct.mxml,user.html will contain user.mxml....
They are three different projects and I want to put them together in a website. My problem is that I can't put all release build files in the same main folder because the release applications all share the same name..ex:rpc_4.0.0.13363.swf,swfobject.js,gateway.php,framework_4.0.0.13363.swf and bunch of folders. Only the application swf is different. ex:product.swf, newProduct.swf...
I can't put them together under the same main folder. Also, my product application can upload image file into the asset folder UNDER the product application but I also need user application be able to see the image file that was uploaded to the product application.
Again the problem is, I can't put all 3 application together under the same main folder....what can I do?? Please help me! I really need this done. Thanks!!!!!!!!