



Hi there I have an MS Access frontend and MySQL backend. Everthing runs well however I am trying to avoid the following. On an Access form, I use it to do read queries. Once the results are shown on the Access form (excel like format), I can sort A-Z, Z-A etc

The thing is that everytime I do any sorting, I can see on MySQL Administrator that a query (in fact more than one) is being performed. I need to avoid this for obvious reasons, as I user will constantly do sortings and all sort of things with the displayed data.

Since the the data is displayed already in the client side (Access form), I don't undertand the reason for MySQL to be requeried again when doing the sorting. I would expect anything you do with the results of the query will happen "locally".

Any ideas what I am doing and wrong and/or how to avoid this ?

thanks ind advance


That's pretty typical to make a roundtrip back to the server for sorting. I would imagine most applications do not sort from internal memory but hit the database again. It would probably be quicker to sort locally if you only had a handful of rows. But if you are dealing with millions of rows it is going to be much quicker to perform that sort on the db as that is what it is made for.

Why do you not want it to make that roundtrip for sorting?


thanks for answering the thing is that each query (from a table with 100,000+ records) usually results on 10-20 records being displayed only.

The user then can check which option is cheaper by sorting by price. At this stage I don't want to query back the mysql db...I want it to happen all the information is already at the client's side (like I said, only 10-20 rows are displayed)

The reason is because there can be 1000+ users at once connected and obviously I am trying to avoid as much queries to mysql as possible.

I understand the concern but this is what databases are built for. Make sure you have indexes on the needed columns and use limit statements to only return the number of rows that are being displayed. Also in the future this should have been posted as a comment to an answer or edited to be in your original question.
Hi, thanks for inputYes, I know I should have put it as a comment, however I didn't get any (both messages only had "link ! flag" links , nothing else.But this message (yours) does have "comment" that's why I was able to add the comment where it should be.... :(Sorry.
In regards to your comment "this is what databases are built for" I totally agree, however I have to find the best possible performance for the application I am creating.Currently I have Excel frontend, which reads the data from mysql, I then sort all visible rows, and all that happens within Excel (mysql is not being hit at all as the data is now on excel rows frontend.This works fantastic, fast and lowers the data going back and forth between mysql and excel frontend.I want now to convert the Excel frontend to an Access front end....
...(continue) and find this problem which I am sure there must be a local way to handle it...
@griseldas, Using the limit clause will give you better performance because you will not have to receive all 1000+ records from the server and store them in memory. Your server won't have to expend resources to read and send those extra records. Your client would not be able to sort the results without having all the records.
Marcus Adams

Is your form bound to the whole table? If so, that's a design error. It should be bound only to a limited recordset. In that case, only a small query is going to be executed server-side.

Secondly, you might want to turn on Jet SHOWPLAN (Google for it) and see what the Jet/ACE db engine is doing with regard to optimization.

Third, it may be hitting the server, but is it a significant hit?

Last of all, you may get the results you want by using disconnected recordsets assigned to your forms instead of bound recordsets. This is a lot more complicated than using the default bound forms, but can be necessary. It does make using Access a lot less pleasant as the fit and finish is not nearly as smooth as with traditional Access bound forms.
