



I have a .net Console application that uses a COM component to generate PDF. Basically it prints the input document as PDF and is configured as a printer in the Desktop.

Now, this component is singleton by design and does not support multiple instances. My application works fine if this process is not already running.

However, if an instance of this component is already running, my application fails to invoke another instance and fails.

I know I can check if the process is already running, I am looking at an option where I can refer to an already running COM instance and invoke its methods. Is this possible?

UPDATE: OK, so I tried remoting, using Process.CreateObjRef method, but got an error saying no remoting information is available for this object. Which lead me to study remoting concepts, and I found out that we can use remoting only on objects that implement IRemotable interface. So what other options do I have, if any?
