




I've been running on a problem for about two weeks. I Have a magento which is configured to use a memcache server.

Recently, I got to change the server storing my magento application. I installed my new server, and just get my magento app up and running on the new server, with one change : I changed the database user and password used to connect to the database server. I changed from userold to usernew. This change takes place in my local.xml file.

But now, when I active the magento cache, Magento tries to connect to my database with the old username : userold. I've tried all things :

rm -fR var/ 
/etc/init.d/memcache restart
killall memcached
reboot the entire server running memcached! 

I still have my cache problem ! I can't get my

Where does this "userold" value is fuc*** stored ?

Any help would really be appreciated ! :)



start a new instance of memcache on a new port eg 11212

now specify this new port in local.xml

that should ensure that it is talking to a new instacne not the old.. or

use htop / top find find the psid of memcache and kill xxxx

Andy Bird