



Until now, I never really needed the Winapp ExitInstance() of a large MFC (Single Document Interface if it matters) app I'm working on. But now I do, mainly to cleanup memory alocations, unload some DLLs, etc. Well I soon learned by the obvious memory leaks and such that ExitInstance was not being called. Have I missed something obvious? Do I need to manually add something to the message map to make sure my ExitInstance override is called?

I guess i can do my cleanup elsewhere, but it's the best place if I can get it to run. Interestingly, I found quite a few instances of this by typing strings like "ExitInstance never called" and such into Google, and in no case were any real answers offered. The app normally closes when someone clicks the close box or the "Exit" from the File menu, and the OnClose() of the mainframe window certainly does always get called. I even tried forcing things by putting AfxGetMainWnd()->DestroyWindow(); in that mainframe OnClose() event, but still I can't get the ExitInstance() to actually run. Maybe it's just a big dummy function? Or maybe I'M just a big dummy? :-)