




Hi All,

I have a question around Agilo.

I have downloaded it and installed it on a box with Windows Server 2008 R2. I have ran the run.bat file which runs the server and tested the page on that machine e.g. http://localhost:81/ and everything works fine.

My problem is when i try an access the agilo web site from another machine on my local network. I understand that its running its own Apache server, not IIS. But I just cant work out how i can access it form other machines.

These other PC can access this server, as well as loading up IIS websites from there.

I have tried changing localhost to the IP address of the Server it is installed on, as well as temporarily disabling the firewall but still no luck.

Has anyone set this up so that multiple machines (installed with Windows) can access it? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Kev.


As Agilo uses Trac, I tried this out which gives you a step by step for running Trac on IIS 6.

As this seemed to work for me where i could create the site in IIS i will accept as answer unless a better one gets posted at some point