



I would like to have an accordion control that I can select from. The best way I can describe this is with a picture-

(cant post img)

I have this built, but it does not work... It is within a wizard(step). Upon moving on from this step I want to store which checkboxes were selected. The accordion panes are being generated in my code behind (C#), from a datatable. I envisioned using a checkboxlist, but I have not found this possible.

I came across the accordion when searching for a way to display this parent/child data fluidly. It works great for displaying data- I want to do more with it.

Here is my code that generates the accordion panes

            foreach (DataRow DR in DTRules.Rows)
            promoRuleID = Convert.ToInt16(DR["PromoRuleID"]);
            refID = Convert.ToInt16(DR["PromoRuleID"]);
            headerStr = Convert.ToString(DR["Description"]);

            CheckBox liPromoRule = new CheckBox();
            liPromoRule.Text = Convert.ToString(DR["Description"]);

            contentStr = returnConditions(promoRuleID);
            contentStr += returnDiscounts(promoRuleID);

            //Create a new Accordion Pane
            AccordionPane newAccordion = new AccordionPane();
            newAccordion.ID = "pnlRule" + Convert.ToString(DR["PromoRuleID"]);

            //Adding the Header control


            //Adding the Content control
            newAccordion.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(contentStr));

            //Add the pane to the accordion

Am I barking up the wrong trees? At least tell me if this is impossible so I can dream up another way to do this. Thanks-