




hi; I have a C++ code (mini search engine). I wanna make GUI.But i don't know how to add my code to the QT to create the GUI . note:my code contains (test.cpp , linkedlist.h , table.h) thanks.

+9  A: 


crude and simple, but oh so true.

You should take a look at a Qt tutorial.

This one is simple enough, or you can take a look at the official ones; you should understand them quickly. If you don't, feel free to ask what was unclear.

However, just a few remarks about your question:

Your question, as it is written know is really vague. It suggests that:

  • We guess what kind of GUI you want
  • We write all the GUI code for you

You really should rewrite this and show us what you already tried...

+7  A: 

Download Qt Creator and follow along with the bundled tutorials until you get a good understanding of how it works. Then apply that knowledge to your project and see if you can get it to work. If you come across a more specific problem, come back to SO and we will be glad to help you.

Jason Miesionczek
Yes. If you're using Windows, you can download the whole Qt SDK which is a great way to get started. It includes Qt Creator, the Qt dev libraries, and compilers.
Michael E

Try this.. Will be helpful for beginners. Programming with Qt and also C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4.
