




I've got a problem with Silverlight, or maybe more with VS2010 Ultimate. I was fooling around playing with it, when in one moment a fix that I wrote didn't fix anything. Investigating why I found out that VS is not running the new version which it just compiled, but rather an old version of application - that's why my changes don't affect it. How to fix it, and what can be the source of the problem? Maybe project configuration file got corrupted or there's something wrong with ASP.NET dev server?


Have you look at the output window? Sometimes it gives errors that aren't listed in the Error List.

Side note: I didn't see you mentioning extra libraries, but I've had this happen when a change I was making in a library wasn't reflected in another Silverlight application. For whatever reason, when I was adding a reference to the library it was copying it to the debug directory of my project and only using that version (Specific Version was off). if you're using custom libraries, you can try deleting the references and re-adding them (this works, a more permanent solution is to add the library to the solution and add it as a project reference).

Yep, I've looked at the Output - it say that there everything is ok, test page was created etc. I did not extend the architecture of the solution, it's plain Silverlight Bussiness Application template, so there are only two projects in it - the Silverlight part and the Web part.The problem I've described happened to me for the second time a few minutes ago - I created a new solution, started working on it and it just stopped responding to changes. I've deleted all my code, compiled an functionally empty solution and in my browser there's everything that has been written.

I am also having this very problem. I've deleted the bin and obj folders from both the silverlight application and web part project folders, also deleting the ClientBin .xap file. With a new build, everything is recompiled without error - but it loads the code I was working on yesterday (I have commented out numerous controls in the XAML, all of which are still displayed on execution).

Going to look into references as BarrettJ mentions - I recently added references to the Balder 3D engine binaries.

EDIT: I removed all newly added references, rebuild, designer shows accordingly however, execution still obviously uses old binaries, this persists even after closing VS (and consiquently the WebDev process), reopening and building yet again - so where are these binaries?

Mr. Disappointment
I can only assume that the binaries are not deployed wherever the Development Server stores them. But that's only me guessing, I don't know if it's true or not.
As a note, I have been able to execute recent output by manually opening the generated project test page in the `bin\debug` folder.
Mr. Disappointment
Well I can't. When I open the test page manually, the "wait" animation just keeps spinning showing "100%" and nothing happens (the Developer Server is ruinning).
In my experience this could have been caused by an exception on execution of your code. Anyway, I see you sorted it with the cache emptying - thanks for that tip (unfortunately I cannot mark as answer as of yet).
Mr. Disappointment

I've resolved the problem which I had. The thing I did is just painfully simple - I cleared browser's cache :P
