




I'm trying to make data template using a template selector. There is the code of my class :

public class ModelTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public override System.Windows.DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, System.Windows.DependencyObject container)
        Type type = item.GetType();
        Type listGeneric = typeof(IMiniView<>);
        Type listConcrete = listGeneric.MakeGenericType(new Type[] { type });

        var control = typeof(Core)
            .GetMethod("GetInstance", new Type[] { })
            .Invoke(this, null) as FrameworkElement;

        var dataTemplate = new DataTemplate();
        var controlFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(control.GetType());

        dataTemplate.VisualTree = controlFactory;
        return dataTemplate;

Indeed, I get T Type of the item and I create a IMiniView(of T) Type. Then, The GetInstance method return an instance of a class that exposes this interface, using the composition container of the MEF. I create a FrameworkElementFactory that I put in the VisualTree of the data template I return to my control container (i.e. a listbox).

This code is working. But what I wanna do is add an mouse binding on the control.

In XAML, you can do it using this code (with a button for instance) :

                 <MouseBinding Command="{Binding MyCommand}" MouseAction="LeftDoubleClick" />

But I want to do it by code. I can't do control.InputBindings.Add(...) because FrameworkElementFactory only get a Type, not an instance of a class.

So if you have any idea,

Thanks for your answers.