



Hi -

I have a site running in Drupal 6 and I'm using Views to display content from several feeds I am importing.

There is a node being created in one of the feeds that I do not want to have shown (or even created at all, if I can help it) & there doesn't appear to be a way to negatively filter out nodes from being displayed by title. Is there a way to do this with any efficiency or might there be some other hack around this?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



Why don't you just unpublish the nodes you don't want and add a filter for 'node:published = yes'. Unless the nodes you want to hide always have certain words in the title it will be hard to do it with a title filter.

+1  A: 

Views does allow you to filter out a node with a specific title. On the edit-view page, do the following:

  • Click the [+] on the Filters box
  • Check 'Node: Title' and click [Add]
  • Select 'Is not equal to' as operator and enter the unwanted title as value
  • Click [Update] and save your view
Thank you Marc! Much appreciated.-B
Blair MacGregor
You're welcome. Feel free to mark the answer as accepted if you feel that's appropriate :-)

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