



When using wsgiref.util.setup_testing_defaults() to set up a WSGI environ is it possible to set the wsgi.input value so that one can test HTTP POST requests?

Investigating the wsgi.input value created by setup_testing_defaults() shows that it's a wsgi.validate.InputWrapper object with read, readline, readlines, input, close, and __iter__ methods, but no write methods.

I'm working on Python 2.6.1

+2  A: 

According to the WSGI spec, the wsgi.input is just a file-like object. So even if your helper library assigns some weird object to the environ['wsgi.input'], you may replace it with any file-like object you want. In particular, with a StringIO object:

e = {}
s = urlencode({'q': 'is there a way to set the value of wsgi input'})
e['wsgi.input'] = StringIO(s)
Andrey Vlasovskikh