Hello, I am getting a rather annoying problem when trying to programmatically assign a binding source to a table adapter. The error message I am getting on form load is "Cannot bind to the property or column LocaleServiced on the DataSource. Parameter name: dataMember". I am hoping its just something stupid that I haven't been able to catch as I'm trying to avoid using the controls the designer in visual studio likes to try and assign. I'd also like to add that the problem is not because the datacolumn its trying to bind to is empty.
my code looks like this
daAdapter(0) = New tblAgencyTableAdapter
dtTable(0) = New tblAgencyDataTable
daAdapter(0).connection = dataConn
bndSource(0) = New BindingSource(dsDataset, dsDataset.Tables(0).TableName)
bndSource(0).Filter = "AgencyID = " & PassID