I'm creating a set of SQL full database copy scripts using MySQL's INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
SELECT {columns} FROM {table} INTO OUTFILE '{table}.csv'
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{table}.csv' REPLACE INTO {table} {columns}
Because of this, I don't need just the tables, I also need the columns for the tables.
I can get all of the tables and columns, but this doesn't include m2m tables:
from django.db.models import get_models()
for model in get_models():
table = model._meta.db_table
columns = [field.column for field in model._meta.fields]
I can also get all of the tables, but this doesn't give me access to the columns:
from django.db import connection
tables = connection.introspection.table_names()
How do you get every table and every corresponding column on that table for a Django project?
More details:
I'm doing this on a reasonably large dataset (>1GB) so using the flat file method seems to be the only reasonable way to make this large of a copy in MySQL. I already have the schema copied over (using ./manage.py syncdb --migrate) and the issue I'm having is specifically with copying the data, which requires me to have the tables and columns to create proper SQL statements. Also, the reason I can't use default column ordering is because the production database I'm copying from has different column ordering than what is created with a fresh syncdb (due to many months worth of migrations and schema changes).