I have a table with a timestamp field of type datetime. I need to aggregate the data between a defined start and end time into x groups representing time intervals of equal length, where x is supplied as function parameter.
What would be the best way to do this with Hibernate?
EDIT: some explanations
mysql Table:
data_ts: datetime pk
value1 : int
value2 : bigint
Entity class:
Calendar dataTs;
Integer value1;
BigDecimal value2;
I am looking for a HQL query that does something like
select max(c.value1), avg(c.value2) from MyClass c
where c.dataTs between :start and :end group by <interval>
where the whole time period is grouped into x equally sized time intervals.
Start : 2008-10-01 00:00:00
End : 2008-10-03 00:00:00 (2 days)
Groups: 32
would need to be grouped by a time interval of 1.5 hours (48 hours / 32):
2008-10-01 00:00:00 - 2008-10-01 01:29:59
2008-10-01 01:30:00 - 2008-10-01 02:59:59
2008-10-01 02:00:00 - 2008-10-01 04:29:59