You've not really provided much information on your requirement other than a few comments about expected data volumes. Simple storage of large volumes of data has no real intrinsic value, it's the ability to access that data which gives the real value; so knowing how you expected to retrieve information from the database is more important than how much data you want to store.
Do these messages really require a document db like MongDB, or are are they structured enough to use a straight RDBMS like Postgresql or MySQL. Do you need full text search capability? How often and what type of queries are executed against this message data? Are you trying to write your own Twitter?
If those are your current data volumes, look to using db replication for resilience. Consider partitioning your message table, perhaps by date posted. Use master/slave (or even multi-master/multi-slave) as Konerak has suggested. Look at the possibilities of an archive table for older messages that are less likely to be queried, but which are then still available. Look at what a commercial database like Oracle can offer you. Get in a professional to help tune the db for performance, rather than simply asking for free advice on sites like SO.
Consider your hardware as well... multiple load balanced servers to help with the volumes (we have 14 dedicated servers purely for accepting new messages, and three high performance servers tuned for querying the data).