I've googled around quite a bit for good vb.net ftp controls and there are a few, but 90% of those are highly priced. Can anyone recommend a good (free or super cheap) control for doing ftp/sftp/ftpssl? Preferably one with a good example application with it as I'm new to vb.net :)
This could be a good start, it's indeed C#, but you can connect to it from your application, or at least get the idea and write your methods in VB.
Is there a reason why you really need a control? Because it would probably be easiest to just use the FtpWebRequest
class, which is already in the .NET Framework. There are some FTP examples on MSDN to help get you started.
Note: this is for FTP only. SFTP is a completely different protocol that is implemented on top of the SSH stack. You also mention "ftpssl" which I'm not familiar with -- as far as I know, the FTP standard doesn't include SSL support, so this must be some kind of proprietary extension? I don't really know how to help you there.