



When administering Linux systems I often find myself struggling to track down the culprit after a partition goes full. I normally use du / | sort -nr but on a large filesystem this takes a long time before any results are returned. Also, this is usually successful in highlighting the worst offender but I've often found myself resorting to du without the sort in more subtle cases and then had to trawl through the output.

I'd prefer a command line solution which relies on standard Linux commands since I have to administer quite a few systems and installing new software is a hassle (especially when out of disk space!)

+10  A: 

du can be depth-restricted:

du -d 5

Will only recurse to depth 5.

/EDIT: This counts only for the display; the tool will still determine the total size of the whole directory tree but this is still much faster than running a full du.

Konrad Rudolph
+5  A: 

One option would be to run your du/sort command as a cron job, and output to a file, so it's already there when you need it.

Peter Hilton
+2  A: 

For command line du (and it's options) seems to be the best way. DiskHog looks like it uses du/df info from a cron job too so Peter's suggestion is probably the best combination of simple and effective.

(FileLight and KDirStat are ideal for GUI.)

+9  A: 

Don't go straight to du /. Use df to find the partition that's hurting you, and then try 'du' commands.

One I like to try is

du -h <dir> | grep '[0-9]G'

because it prints sizes in "human readable form". Unless you've got really small partitions, grepping for directories in the gigabytes is a pretty good filter for what you want. This will take you some time, but unless you have quotas set up, I think that's just the way it's going to be.

If you do have quotas, you can use

quota -v

to find users that are hogging the disk.

Ben Collins
+4  A: 

Finding the biggest files on the filesystem is always going to take a long time. By definition you have to traverse the whole filesystem looking for big files. The only solution is probably to run a cron job on all your systems to have the file ready ahead of time.

I'd like to have a system that builds a tree of file sizes at the same time as building the database for the locate command, as this also has to traverse the whole filesystem once per night.

One other thing, the x option of du is useful to keep du from following mount points into other filesystems. I.e:

 du -x [path]
Thanks for pointing out the `-x` flag!
+2  A: 

I always use du -sm * | sort -n, which gives you a sorted list of how much the subdirectories of the current working directory use up, in mebibytes.

You can also try Konqueror, which has a "size view" mode, which is similar to what WinDirStat does on Windows: it gives you a viual representation of which files/directories use up most of your space.

That's only Konqueror 3.x though - the file size view _still_ hasn't been ported to KDE4.
Ant P.
+2  A: 

Try feeding the output of du into a simple awk script that checks to see if the size of the directory is larger than some threshold, if so it prints it. You don't have to wait for the entire tree to be traversed before you start getting info.

For example, the following displays any directories that consume more than about 500 MB ( assuming du units are in KB)

du -x / | awk '{ if ($1 > 500000) { print $0} }'

To make the above a little more reusable, you can define a function in your .bashrc, ( or you could make it into a standalone script).

dubig() {  
   [ -z "$1" ] && echo "usage: dubig sizethreshKB [duargs]" && return  
   du $2 | awk '{ if ($1 > '$1') { print $0} }'  

The following example checks my home directory for any directories that have more than 200 MB, without going onto another file-system (e.g. symlink to a different nfs mount)

dubig 200e3 "$HOME -x"
Mark Borgerding
+2  A: 

I like the good old xdiskusage as a graphical alternative to du(1).

+1  A: 

I've had success tracking down the worst offender(s) piping the du output in human readable form to egrep and matching to a regular expression.

For example:

du -h | egrep "[0-9]+G.*|[5-9][0-9][0-9]M.*"

which should give you back everything 500 megs or higher.

Justin Standard
+4  A: 

For the commandline I think the du/sort method is the best. If you're not on a server you should take a look at Baobab - Disk usage analyzer. This program also takes some time to run, but you can easily find the sub directory deep, deep down where all the old Linux ISOs are.

Peter Stuifzand
It can also scan remote folders via SSH, FTP, SMB and WebDAV.
Colonel Sponsz
+2  A: 

I use

du -ch --max-depth=2 .

and I change the max-depth to suit my needs. The "c" option prints totals for the folders and the "h" option prints the sizes in K, M, or G as appropriate. As others have said, it still scans all the directories, but it limits the output in a way that I find easier to find the large directories.

John Meagher
+3  A: 

At a previous company we used to have a cron job that was run overnight and identified any files over a certain size, e.g.

find / -size +10000k

You may want to be more selective about the directories that you are searching, and watch out for any remotely mounted drives which might go offline.

Andrew Whitehouse

At first I check the size of directories, like so:

du -sh /var/cache/*/

If you want speed, you can enable quotas on the filesystems you want to monitor (you need not set quotas for any user), and use a script that uses the quota command to list the disk space being used by each user. For instance:

quota -v $user | grep $filesystem | awk '{ print $2 }'

would give you the disk usage in blocks for the particular user on the particular filesystem. You should be able to check usages in a matter of seconds this way.

To enable quotas you will need to add usrquota to the filesystem options in your /etc/fstab file and then probably reboot so that quotacheck can be run on a idle filesystem before quotaon is called.

Steve Baker

I can't take credit for this, but I found it just yesterday:

$ find <path> -size +10000k -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l

link text

+2  A: 

I'm going to second xdiskusage. But I'm going to add in the note that it is actually a du frontend and can read the du output from a file. So you can run du -ax /home > ~/home-du on your server, scp the file back, and then analyze it graphically. Or pipe it through ssh.


Here is a tiny app that uses deep sampling to find tumors in any disk or directory. It walks the directory tree twice, once to measure it, and the second time to print out the paths to 20 "random" bytes under the directory.

void walk(string sDir, int iPass, int64& n, int64& n1, int64 step){
    foreach(string sSubDir in sDir){
        walk(sDir + "/" + sSubDir, iPass, n, n1, step);
    foreach(string sFile in sDir){
        string sPath = sDir + "/" + sFile;
        int64 len = File.Size(sPath);
        if (iPass == 2){
            while(n1 <= n+len){
               print sPath;
               n1 += step;
        n += len;

void dscan(){
    int64 n = 0, n1 = 0, step = 0;
    // pass 1, measure
    walk(".", 1, n, n1);
    print n;
    // pass 2, print
    step = n/20; n1 = step/2; n = 0;
    walk(".", 2, n, n1);
    print n;

The output looks like this for my Program Files directory:

.\ArcSoft\PhotoStudio 2000\Samples\3.jpg
.\Common Files\Java\Update\Base Images\j2re1.4.2-b28\
.\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard\WISDED53B0BB67C4244AE6AD6FD3C28D1EF_7_0_2_7.MSI
.\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\sqlsval.dll
.\Microsoft Visual Studio\DF98\DOC\TAPI.CHM
.\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\CompactFrameworkSDK\v1.0.5000\Windows CE\sqlce20sql2ksp1.exe
.\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Tool Developers Guide\docs\Partition II Metadata.doc
.\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect 2003 - English\Logs\VSMsiLog0A34.txt
.\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition - ENU\Logs\VSMsiLog1A9E.txt
.\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\CompactFramework\2.0\v2.0\WindowsCE\wce500\mipsiv\
.\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\atlmfc\lib\armv4i\UafxcW.lib
.\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\Dll\mipsii\mfc80ud.pdb
.\Movie Maker\MUI\0409\moviemk.chm
.\TheCompany\TheProduct\docs\TheProduct User's Guide.pdf

It tells me that the directory is 7.9gb, of which

  • ~15% goes to the Intel Fortran compiler
  • ~15% goes to VS .NET 2003
  • ~20% goes to VS 8

It is simple enough to ask if any of these can be unloaded.

It also tells about file types that are distributed across the file system, but taken together represent an opportunity for space saving:

  • ~15% roughly goes to .cab and .MSI files
  • ~10% roughly goes to logging text files

It shows plenty of other things in there also, that I could probably do without, like "SmartDevices" and "ce" support (~15%).

It does take linear time, but it doesn't have to be done often.

Examples of things it has found:

  • backup copies of DLLs in many saved code repositories, that don't really need to be saved
  • a backup copy of someone's hard drive on the server, under an obscure directory
  • voluminous temporary internet files
  • ancient doc and help files long past being needed
Mike Dunlavey

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the -k option to du... du natuarly prints in blocks (either .5 or 2 k, I never remember) and it's hard to read. -k makes it output in kb...

Brian Postow

If you know that the large files have been added in the last few days (say, 3), then you can use a find command in conjunction with "ls -ltra" to discover those recently added files:

find /some/dir -type f -mtime -3 -exec ls -lart {} \;

This will give you just the files ("-type f"), not directories; just the files with modification time over the last 3 days ("-mtime -3") and execute "ls -lart" against each found file ("-exec" part).


To understand disproportionate disk space usage it's often useful to start at the root directory and walk up through some of its largest children.

We can do this by

  • saving the output of du into a file
  • grepping through the result iteratively

That is:

# sum up the size of all files and directories under the root filesystem
du -a -h -x / > disk_usage.txt
# display the size of root items
grep $'\t/[^/]*$' disk_usage.txt

now let's say /usr appear too large

# display the size of /usr items
grep $'\t/usr/[^/]*$' disk_usage.txt

now if /usr/local is suspiciously large

# display the size /usr/local items
grep $'\t/usr/local/[^/]*$' disk_usage.txt

and so on...

Alexandre Jasmin

I use this for the top 25 worst offenders below the current directory

# -S to not include subdir size, sorted and limited to top 25
du -S . | sort -nr | head -25