




I am trying to search an xml element from the root element of the file on the basis of inner text. i have tried this but didnt work:


I know the old school way to traverse all file elemen by element but i dont want to do that.

Please note that: my root element name is ArrayOfRecentFiles and my child elements names are RecentFile

+1  A: 

You need to use "text()" to check against the inner text of an element as below.

Lee Hesselden
it is returning null
Try this then didn't realise you had an additional child node level rootElRecDocXml.SelectSingleNode("/ArrayOfRecentFiles/RecentFile[text()='"+mFilePath+"']");
Lee Hesselden
+1  A: 

We'd need to see the xml; @Lee gives the correct approach here, so something like:

var el = rootElRecDocXml.SelectSingleNode(

(taking your edit/reply into account)

However! There are lots of gotchas:

  • the query will be case-sensitive
  • white-space will be significant (so <foo>abc</foo> is different to <foo> abc[newline]</foo> etc - ditto carriage return)
  • xml namespaces are significant, so you may need .SelectSingleNode("/alias:ArrayOfRecentFiles[text()='"+mFilePath+"']", nsmgr);, where nsmgr is the namespace-manager

To give a complete example, that matches your comment:

XmlDocument rootElRecDocXml = new XmlDocument();
rootElRecDocXml.LoadXml(@"<ArrayOfRecentFiles> <RecentFile>C:\asd\1\Examples\8389.atc</RecentFile> <RecentFile>C:\asd\1\Examples\8385.atc</RecentFile>   </ArrayOfRecentFiles>");
string mFilePath = @"C:\asd\1\Examples\8385.atc";
var el = rootElRecDocXml.SelectSingleNode(
    "/ArrayOfRecentFiles/RecentFile[text()='" + mFilePath + "']");

Here, el is not null after the SelectSingleNode call. It finds the node.

Marc Gravell
the above is my xml
this is my xml:<ArrayOfRecentFiles> <RecentFile>C:\asd\1\Examples\8389.atc</RecentFile> <RecentFile>C:\asd\1\Examples\8385.atc</RecentFile> </ArrayOfRecentFiles>
@jaminator - see update
Marc Gravell