




I am selecting data from a MySql database and doing the following

echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"distadd1\" id=\"distadd1\" class=\"textbox\" value=".  urlencode($row['ADD1']). " >";

however the value is being displayed as follows Department+of+Planning+%26+Development.

how do i remove the + and %26

+2  A: 

URL encoding is different than what you want to do it sounds like. Try changing URL encode to htmlentities, which will get rid of the '+' and the &26; but will still protect you from XSS / script injection into your webpages.

Example #1 A htmlentities() example
$str = "A 'quote' is <b>bold</b>";

// Outputs: A 'quote' is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;
echo htmlentities($str);

// Outputs: A &#039;quote&#039; is &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;
echo htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES);

From the PHP Manual

I tried htmlentities but it just returns the first word of the string.
what is your actual HTML output (not what is rendered through the browser)?
your reference to htmlentities help me find the problem.it was simply value=". "\"" . $row['ADD1']."\"". " >";ie surround the variable with double quotes.

Don't add those symbols in the first place. The urlencode() function, as its name suggests, is used to generate URLs. You probably want to use htmlspecialchars().

I tried htmlentities but it just returns the first word of the string.

Your HTML is invalid. You need to use quotes so your attributes can contain spaces. Compare:

<input name=user value=foo bar id=foo>
<input name="user" value="foo bar" id="foo">
Álvaro G. Vicario