



I want to integrate paypal to my website and ask users to enter paypal account for commission pay out. How can I check if their account exists on paypal? I prefer NOT to send them $0.01 or it's the only way to check account?

It should validate it automatically while user sign ups to the website.


Just get them to log in?

It should validate it automatically while user sign ups.
+2  A: 

you can ask them to enter the email address they use in paypal. and if they dont have an account on paypal, you can still send them funds to any email they enter. Paypal will take care of getting them to create an paypal account with that email id and show them their funds.

all you may have to ensure is that they enter the correct email id.. maybe an email address verification step could do the trick.

It should validate it automatically while user sign ups.
you mean you want to check if they have a valid paypal account before you send them money? you must have a unique problem because i would just ask them to enter their paypal id and assume they are doing it right, send them the money and be done with is they who should be worried about entering the right information, not you. unless you are giving money to people who are not particularly interested in receiving it... which is what i mean by you must have a unique problem.

Try using the Paypal AddressVerify API:

AddressVerify can also check that your user's address and ZIP/postal code are correct.

Note that access to the AddressVerify API isn't provided by Paypal by default. You have to file a customer support request to get access to it in the sandbox and then contact them again to be considered for approval on the live site.

Jon Jennings