




Hi there,

I have the following XML:

    <fund name="A" ITEM0="7%" ITEM1="8%" ITEM2="9%" ITEM3="10%" ITEM4="11%" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="B" ITEM0="11%" ITEM1="11%" ITEM2="13%" ITEM3="14%" ITEM4="16%" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="C" ITEM0="" ITEM1="" ITEM2="" ITEM3="" ITEM4="" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="D" ITEM0="7%" ITEM1="8%" ITEM2="9%" ITEM3="10%" ITEM4="11%" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="E" ITEM0="2%" ITEM1="3%" ITEM2="3%" ITEM3="5%" ITEM4="5%" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="F" ITEM0="" ITEM1="" ITEM2="" ITEM3="" ITEM4="" ITEM5="" /> 
    <fund name="G" ITEM0="3%" ITEM1="3%" ITEM2="3%" ITEM3="5%" ITEM4="5%" ITEM5="" /> 
    <append name="A" ITEM="10" />
    <append name="B" ITEM="15" />
    <append name="C" ITEM="20" />
    <append name="D" ITEM="20" />
    <append name="E" ITEM="15" />
    <append name="F" ITEM="10" />
    <append name="G" ITEM="10" />

How can I loop through all of the attributes in //ToAppend/append and if 'name' is a match in //funds/fund add the attribute ITEM from //ToAppend/append to //funds/fund ?

I'm trying to append the matching items to the first list but I'm not having too much luck. Trying to get this working via C# under the 2.0 framework.

Thanks in advance!


XmlNode xmlNodeInner = root.SelectSingleNode("//ToAppend/append");
XmlNode ToBeUpdated = root.SelectSingleNode("//funds/fund");

foreach (XmlElement element in ToBeUpdated)
       //Match the 'name' from xmlNodeInner to the 'name' of ToBeUpdated
       //if{magic occurs here and they match}
            element.SetAttribute("ITEM6", "value from xmlNodeInner");

I just dont know how to do the comparison inquiry to determine if A=A, or even exists, since there is no guarentee on that. Hopefully it would come out something like:

<fund name="G" ITEM0="3%" ITEM1="3%" ITEM2="3%" ITEM3="5%" ITEM4="5%" ITEM5="" ITEM6="10"/> 
+3  A: 

This seems to work:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    using System;
    using System.Xml;

    class Program
        static void Main( string[] args )
            const string xml = @"
        <fund name='A' ITEM0='7%' ITEM1='8%' ITEM2='9%' ITEM3='10%' ITEM4='11%' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='B' ITEM0='11%' ITEM1='11%' ITEM2='13%' ITEM3='14%' ITEM4='16%' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='C' ITEM0='' ITEM1='' ITEM2='' ITEM3='' ITEM4='' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='D' ITEM0='7%' ITEM1='8%' ITEM2='9%' ITEM3='10%' ITEM4='11%' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='E' ITEM0='2%' ITEM1='3%' ITEM2='3%' ITEM3='5%' ITEM4='5%' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='F' ITEM0='' ITEM1='' ITEM2='' ITEM3='' ITEM4='' ITEM5='' /> 
        <fund name='G' ITEM0='3%' ITEM1='3%' ITEM2='3%' ITEM3='5%' ITEM4='5%' ITEM5='' /> 
        <append name='A' ITEM='10' />
        <append name='B' ITEM='15' />
        <append name='C' ITEM='20' />
        <append name='D' ITEM='20' />
        <append name='E' ITEM='15' />
        <append name='F' ITEM='10' />
        <append name='G' ITEM='10' />
            // XPath that finds all "funds/fund" nodes that have a "name" attribute with the value "{0}".
            const string xpathTarget = @"//funds/fund[@name='{0}']";

            // XPath that finds all "ToAppend/append" nodes that have a "name" and "ITEM" attribute.
            const string xpathSourceNodes = @"//ToAppend/append[@name and @ITEM]";

            var doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.LoadXml( xml );

            foreach ( XmlNode sourceNode in doc.SelectNodes( xpathSourceNodes ) )
                string name = sourceNode.Attributes[ "name" ].Value;
                string item = sourceNode.Attributes[ "ITEM" ].Value;

                XmlNode targetNode = doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format( xpathTarget, name ) );

                if ( null != targetNode )
                    XmlAttribute newAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute( "ITEM6" );
                    newAttribute.Value = item;

                    targetNode.Attributes.Append( newAttribute );
Adel Hazzah
XPath always bites me in the backside. Locating the targetNode was what I was pounding my head on. Thanks!
this is generally the approach to take. Christopher should be able to take it from here.
Mike Ohlsen