



Hi All,

I have tables JobList, DoList, PlayList, and a lookup table called LegalRequirements I also have a LegalRequirementRelationship as a relation table between the 2, other than the Id of the XXXList and LegalRequirement, I also have a TypeId to identify which of XXXList the line is referring to.

JobList,DoList,PlayList all have a property called LegalRequirements.

is it possible to link up JobList and Legalrequirements with a manytomany so that when i accesses JobList.LegalRequirements I am able to retrieve the LegalRequirements entry? (that is it will automaically query LegalRequirementRelationship with the correct XXXListId and TypeId?)

Currently I have this:

[List(-10, Table = "DT_LegalRequirement"),
Key(-9, Column = "RASJobListId", ForeignKey = "FK_{TABLE}_LReq"),
Index(-8, Column = "PositionIndex"),
ManyToMany(-7, Column = "LegalRequirementId", ClassType = typeof(LegalRequirementsRelatopnship), ForeignKey = "FK_{TABLE}_LReq")
public virtual IList<LegalRequirementsRelationship> LegalRequirements { get; set; }

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