




I have a progress which I "mintor" with a QProgessDialog in PyQt4. Basicly, I have a loop like this:

while progressThread.isRunning():
    self.progressDialog.setRange(0, self.progressTotal_)
del self.progressDialog

The progressThread upades the variables self.progessTotal_ and self.progress_

This works pretty well, when the value of progress_ changes constantly. But for some task, this is not the case (because the progress report is just not that detailed).

The result is, the progressDialog showing a gray window until something changes. Can I insert something in the while loop, that forces the progressDialog to upadate also nothing changes?

Thanks! nathan


You should connect an update signal from your thread to the progress dialog. You're blocking the UI thread with your loop. You could add a QApplication::processEvents call in the loop, but just don't block the UI thread and you'll be fine.

Vitor Py
Hey,Thanks, that makes sense. I have trouble doing it. I know how I can connect a signal to a python function. But how can I create my own signal, connect it to the setProgress slot and call it from the thread?
@Nathan Take a look at example 7-7. Emit your signal from your QThread subclass.
Vitor Py