I have long been a fan of William Gibson, but it's clear that he doesn't have much tech savvy - no harm in that, maybe just kuddos that he learned a few buzzwords and wrote some awesome books.
But, "count zero interrupt" just sticks in my craw ...
"On receiving an interrupt, decrement the counter to zero."
(The term "count zero interrupt" or CZI could be found in the book:
Programming The Z80 by Rodney Zaks, 1982.)
I know, I know that decrement just means make less
but something in me cries out that it means make smaller by one unless explicitly stated
and that decrement the counter to zero
is just plain bad code-jargon. Why not (re)set the counter to zer0
I can't blame Gibson for quoting this, but somehow it just spoils a whole book for me (and one of his earlier, so, by definion, better, books at that).
Or do I just have too much time on my hands and <coder-fuel>
in my veins?
This *bugs* me !!
And it is not, repeat *NOT*, a criticism of Gibson, so please don't downvote me ;-)