




I have a textarea where the user can create a feature list with a title for each block of features. The idea is to store the [title] and the features in two different MySQL tables.

Tennis court
Swimming pool

[Internal Equipment]
DVD Player
Plasma screen

Here is what I've done so far; it works but it's not neat:

<form name="form" method="get" action="">
    <textarea name="content" cols="35" rows="12" id="content"><? 
if (isset($_GET['content'])) echo $_GET['content']; ?></textarea>
    <input name="parse" type="submit" id="parse" value="Parse">

   $content = $_GET['content'];
   $content = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $content);
   $content = trim($content);

   $content1 = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r/', "\n", $content );  
    $data = explode("\n", $content1); 

   foreach ($data as $title) {
   if (substr_count($title, '[')||substr_count($title, ']')){

   }else {

    echo '<br />';

Thanks for your ideas.

+1  A: 

Other than that, make sure to use the POST method instead in your form. The query string vars can easily be tempered with.

Not that POST vars can't be tampered with, but that takes more work. Also, if information is being submitted to a site, it really should really come through POST (or PUT, but that doesn't apply here) instead of GET.
George Marian
@George Marian: Agreed as i said GET vars can **easily** be tempered with.

The code looks fine, for the most part.

The issue I see is that you're not sanitizing user input, rather you're displaying it directly:

if (isset($_GET['content'])) echo $_GET['content']; 

At the very least, use strip_tags():

if (isset($_GET['content'])) echo strip_tags($_GET['content']));

Also, you should probably use POST instead of GET.


Another thing that I noticed is inconsistent use of braces. Either use the K&R style:

if (some_condition) {

Or put them on a separate line (my preferred approach):

if (some_condition)

(Does anyone know if there is a name for this style?)

Same thing for indentation. Keep it consistent. This is just a style issue, but it impacts the legibility of your code.

George Marian
Thanks for the strip_tags! I'm a bit more concerned about the $p++ and the way to synchronise the arrays by starting with 1 and not 0.
@Francois You should've mentioned that in the original question. Where are $arr and $g coming from? What do you mean by "synchronise the arrays by starting with 1 and not 0?" Also, why would you want to start with 1 instead of 0? Rather than fighting with the language to start arrays at 1 instead of 0, I would change the way you work with arrays.
George Marian
@George: That's called the Allman style, see It's also my prefered style, I find it way more easier to read code with those standards although some people dislike it because it "makes the code bigger".
Alix Axel
Oh, and there should be a space after the `if`.
Alix Axel
@Alix Axel Thanks for the link. I used to prefer the K) (And, oh yah. I'll fix the if in a sec.)
George Marian

Is this neat enough for you?

$result = array();
$content = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode('[', $_GET['content'])), 'strlen');

foreach ($content as $value)
    $value = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $value));
    $result[rtrim(array_shift($value), ']')] = $value;

And the output:

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

    [Outdoor] => Array
            [0] => BBQ
            [1] => Tennis court
            [2] => Swimming pool

    [Internal Equipment] => Array
            [0] => DVD Player
            [1] => Plasma screen


I suppose you know what to do with the $result array? Something like:

foreach ($result as $title => $features)
    // INSERT INTO foo (title) VALUES ($title);

    foreach ($features as $feature)
        // or INSERT INTO bar (title, features) VALUES ($title, $feature);
Alix Axel
Short and sweet, very nice. Thanks!
@Francois: You're welcome. =)
Alix Axel