




I'm new to Umbraco and I like it so far, I understand how it works but I'd like to know how, and what is the best way, to create usercontrols that display some informations from umbraco's DB? When it's simple, I do it with XSL template but now I need more possibilities.

What I try to do is have a UC that connect to Umbraco's DB, fetch all documents of documentType "NewsItem" and list them in my UC.

I found this post : but it's not quite it since I don't want to hardcode the nodeId, I want to find my news depending on DocumentType.

I now that there's an API to acces umbraco's data but did not find any exemple. I also watch lots of videos on but still do not have a good idea of what's the best way to do it. There's also LINQ to Umbraco ( but not sure if it's a good way of doing this.

Also, is there a way to test the Usercontrol inside an other WebProject? What I mean is to connect to Umbraco's db in an other project, so that you don't have to go in umbraco's website to test it?

Thanks a lot!

+1  A: 


There are several areas to your question which I'll try and address one at a time.

  1. Using umbraco.presentation.nodefactory to get Nodes of a specific type. For this example I'm going to assume all your NewsItems are children of a specific node in this case node id 1024.

    using umbraco.presentation.nodeFactory;
    namespace cogworks.usercontrols
        public partial class ExampleUserControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var specificNode = new Node(1024);
                var childNodes = specificNode.Children;
            foreach(var node in childNodes)
                if(node.NodeTypeAlias == "NewsItem")
                    //Do something with your NewsItem node!

This is probably not the most efficient way but is OK as an example.

  1. An example of walking the node tree resursively and adding the found nodes to a list:

    public static List SelectChildrenByNameRecursive(Node node, string docType) { var nodes = new List();

    foreach (Node child in node.Children)
        FindChildrenByDocType(child, docType, ref nodes);
    return nodes;


    private static void FindChildrenByDocType(Node node, string docType, ref List nodes) { if (node.NodeTypeAlias == docType) { nodes.Add(node); }

    foreach (Node childNode in node.Children)
        FindChildrenByDocType(childNode, docType, ref nodes);


Again just example code...

  1. Testing Umbraco, you'll always need to be running in a an instance of Umbraco as nodefactory is an API onto of the in memory content cache.

  2. Further reading

Tim Saunders
Thanks Tim for the answer! What do you think of Linq to Umbraco? Can we test it in a seperate Web project? Usefull links that you provide here! But is there any way of working with the DB without having to test our controls in Umbraco, to have a better seperation and add unit test to my UC?