



Here I am faced with an issue that I believe(or at least hope) was solved 1 million times already. What I got as the input is a string that represents a length of an object in imperial units. It can go like this:

$length = "3' 2 1/2\"";

or like this:

$length = "1/2\"";

or in fact in any other way we normally would write it.

In effort to reduce global wheel invention, I wonder if there is some function, class, or regexp-ish thing that will allow me to convert Imperial length into Metric length?

+1  A: 

Perhaps check out the units library? There doesn't seem to be a PHP binding for it, though.

+1  A: 

The regexp would look something like this:


(where \s represents whitespace - I'm not sure how it works in php). Then you extract the first + second group and do


to convert to centimeters.

+3  A: 

Here is my solution. It uses eval() to evaluate the expression, but don't worry, the regex check at the end makes it completely safe.

function imperial2metric($number) {
    // Get rid of whitespace on both ends of the string.
    $number = trim($number);

    // This results in the number of feet getting multiplied by 12 when eval'd
    // which converts them to inches.
    $number = str_replace("'", '*12', $number);

    // We don't need the double quote.
    $number = str_replace('"', '', $number);

    // Convert other whitespace into a plus sign.
    $number = preg_replace('/\s+/', '+', $number);

    // Make sure they aren't making us eval() evil PHP code.
    if (preg_match('/[^0-9\/\.\+\*\-]/', $number)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        // Evaluate the expression we've built to get the number of inches.
        $inches = eval("return ($number);");

        // This is how you convert inches to meters according to Google calculator.
        $meters = $inches * 0.0254;

        // Returns it in meters. You may then convert to centimeters by
        // multiplying by 100, kilometers by dividing by 1000, etc.
        return $meters;

So for example, the string

3' 2 1/2"

gets converted to the expression


which gets evaluated to


which finally gets converted to 0.9779 meters.

yjerem centimeters by MULTIPLYING by 100, kilometers by DIVIDING by 1000...
Sani Huttunen
Oh right, I will edit that. Thanks.
What about "3 ft 2.5 in"? :DWhat about yards? Chains, rods, perches, poles and so on are a tad esoteric, but furlongs are used in horse racing (as well as the mythical furlongs per fortnight).
Jonathan Leffler
Jeremy Really cool solution. I will honor you by stealing it!Jonathan for "3 ft 2.5 in" you just need a couple for extra regexes to convert "ft" to "*12" and "in" to "".
James Anderson
ehh.... this is really over-kill. the regex grouping solution is 2 lines long and doesn't eval anything, which is a lot more inefficient as php has to parse the expression, form the AST, then evaluate it. -1
@Claudiu: Your regex doesn't handle fractions like '1/2' or mixed fractions like '1 1/2'.
@jeremy - ah, true, i didn't see this. if those are given, then yeah, this way is better.
+4  A: 

The Zend Framework has a measurement component for just that purpose. I suggest you check it out - here.

$unit = new Zend_Measure_Length($length,Zend_Measure_Length::YARD);
$unit -> convertTo(Zend_Measure_Length::METER);
Eran Galperin
Wow! nice component... Lacks documentation though, but I'd definitely check it out!

The imperial string values a little bit more complicater, so I used following expression:

string pattern = "(([0-9]+)')*\\s*-*\\s*(([0-9])*\\s*([0-9]/[0-9])*\")*";
Regex regex = new Regex( pattern );
Match match = regex.Match(sourceValue);
if( match.Success ) 
    int feet = 0;
    int.TryParse(match.Groups[2].Value, out feet);
    int inch = 0;
    int.TryParse(match.Groups[4].Value, out inch);
    double fracturalInch = 0.0;
    if (match.Groups[5].Value.Length == 3)
         fracturalInch = (double)(match.Groups[5].Value[0] - '0') / (double)(match.Groups[5].Value[2] - '0');

    resultValue = (feet * 12) + inch + fracturalInch;