



Please guide me, how do you enable autocomplete functionality in VS C++? By auto-complete, I mean, when I put a dot after control name, the editor should display a dropdown menu to select from.

Thank you.

+1  A: 

Have you tried Visual Assist X ? Sort of lights up the VS editor.

but its not free :(
And time is money, using Visual Assist reduces significantly your coding time therefore not using visual Assist will cost you more money ;)
Is there any other solution. Because I am not buying the Visual Assist now. Any other option enabling make autocomplete , start working????Need help
Not for supporting piracy, but I never paid a dime for the Visual Assist I use. Try playing around you will get it.
I have downloaded it !But organisation has strict Piracy following poilicy!Anyway thanx for suggestion!
Express Editions of Visual Studio do not support addins or tool extensions.
sean e
+1  A: 

It's enabled by default. Probably you just tried on an expression that failed to autocomplete.

In case you deactivated it somehow... you can enable it in the Visual Studio settings. Just browse to the Editor settings, then to the subgroup C/C++ and activate it again... should read something like "List members automatically" (sorry, I have the german Visual Studio).

Upon typing something like std::cout. a dropwdownlist with possible completitions should pop up.

Its not like that, u mentioned!Plz guide me!
See my updated answer
Yes I have seen this solution on other sites as well, but am really sorry to say , its not working.Anyway, appreciate your answer!!!

VS is kinda funny about C++ and IntelliSense. There are times it won't notice that it's supposed to be popping up something. This is due in no small part to the complexity of the language, and all the compiling (or at least parsing) that'd need to go on in order to make it better.

If it doesn't work for you at all, and it used to, and you've checked the VS options, maybe this can help.

hmm....thanx dood!But unable to get out of the problem!!!!Need further suggestions!
@Asad: We'd need to know what you've tried, and whether it's working for you at all (even popping up tooltips when you mouse over variables and macros and such), and (if you know) what happened right before it stopped working in order to provide any help more specific than you've already gotten.
I am fresh user of VS C++ express edition and just started a project over it!I have installed VS C++ express edition from microsoft website. Now while making the project i realized that there is no dropdown menu, after putting a dot. Since I am a new user and using VS C++ without this feature, is really problematic for me!BTW choosing C++ for project is the requirment, otherwise I had intention to use C#.