



I wish I could have an isSQLCountLessThan() function or something.

$browser = new sfTestFunctional(new sfBrowser());
    // ...
    ->isSQLCountLessThan(20) // imagine how cool :)

Is there a way to have such?

+5  A: 

I once created tester for this purpose. It's based on how it's done in web debug toolbar (sfWebDebugPanelDoctrine class).

I extended sfTesterDoctrine so it behaves the same. Only assertion method is added to check query count.

You could also overwrite debug() method to show query statistics.

 * (c) 2010 Jakub Zalas
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * @package     zTestPlugin
 * @subpackage  test
 * @author      Jakub Zalas <[email protected]>
class zTesterDoctrine extends sfTesterDoctrine
   * @param integer $limit 
   * @return sfTestFunctionalBase|sfTester
  public function assertSqlCountLessThan($limit)
    $queryCount = $this->countDoctrineEvents();

    $this->tester->cmp_ok($queryCount, '<', (int) $limit, sprintf('There are less than "%d" SQL queries performed', $limit));

    return $this->getObjectToReturn();

   * @return integer
  protected function countDoctrineEvents()
    return count($this->getDoctrineEvents());

   * @return array
  protected function getDoctrineEvents()
    if (!$databaseManager = $this->browser->getContext()->getDatabaseManager())
      throw new LogicConnection('The current context does not include a database manager.');

    $events = array();
    foreach ($databaseManager->getNames() as $name)
      $database = $databaseManager->getDatabase($name);
      if ($database instanceof sfDoctrineDatabase && $profiler = $database->getProfiler())
        foreach ($profiler->getQueryExecutionEvents() as $event)
          $events[$event->getSequence()] = $event;


    return $events;

Example usage:

$browser = new sfTestFunctional(new sfBrowser());
$browser->setTester('doctrine', 'zTesterDoctrine');

    ->assertSqlCountLessThan(20) // imagine how cool :)
Nice. Does it reset on a per request basis?
Yes. Each get() or post() requests has a separate counter. It works this way for all the testers not only for mine.
Ideal! Thank you kindly, kuba. Just if somebody will get errors - "Lass" must be "Less", and ->begin() is missing before calling.
Denis Chmel
@Denis thanks for pointing out. Fixed.