



I'm connecting to DBF files using Delphi 2009 ADO components and this connection string:

Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=c:\mypath;

If c:\mypath doesn't exist, and I run the application inside the debugger, my app hangs. No exception is raised.

If I run the application without debugging, an exception is properly raised.

To reproduce I just create a new application, dropped an TADOConnection on the form, set the connection string and added this code to the OnCreate of the form:

ADOConnection1.Connected := True;

Any ideas?


+1  A: 

Can you please send a code snipped (and the property values).

I tried the connection string and got a decent exception.

Maybe you have some exceptions filtered?

Are you using Vista?
Erick Sasse

You could try Advantage Database Server components from Sybase to connect to .dbf files. They work better than ADO for this.

Thanks, but I just need to import some data from another old app and I don't want to add a third party to my app just for reading a single DBF file.
Erick Sasse