How Can I See a Source Code of Executive File Compiled By Delphi or C++?
You can't, because source code does not exist in compiled Delphi/C++ program.
I Have a Program.When I Start This Program,Show a Dialog And Ask a Password.This Password Saved in Source Code.I Want take This Password Quickly And Easily.
Trying to crack something, huh?
It is quite possible that password is not saved in source code. Hash function can be used on a password to check if it is valid without storing password in a source code. Even if you find a hash, it won't be easy to get a password from it.
You can get an assembler listing from program using a disassembler (Ida Pro, OllyDBG, or similar tool). And you could debug your program even without source code, although you'll see pure assembly. AFAIK, "decompilers" exist, but I haven't ever used one of them, and doubt that they will be useful for C++/Delphi code (the one that compiles into native application).
There are a few simple techniques that would allow to hack program and bypass password check (if some conditions are met, program author wasn't into security, protection is easy, etc), but I'm not sure if this is allowed discussion topic on stackoverflow.
Anyway, if you're interested in reverse engineering for legal purposes, you could try a book called "Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering".