



Respected sir, I am about to start my final year project "Real time/fast implemantation license plate recognition" using opencv. Opencv is totaly new for me and i am working on it now-a-days and i am facing couple of problems with it. I know how to display images but i don't know where to read image pixels or read image in matrix form, another is how to work on that pixels. Second thing is that in opencv, how execution time is measured of that whole recognition process.

I also want to know that how to find the details about particular instruciton (i.e. help on topic, just like matlab) Waiting for your quick response

+1  A: 

Here you go:

Adam Shiemke
+1  A: 

I agree with the above posters, in that this question is not very closely related to the tags you've chosen. For example, if I wanted help designing a visually appealing GUI for a new program, that would only be related to the C++ tag in that C++ is one language I might use to implement it.

Since you seem to need a good overview of large portions of the OpenCV library, I'd recommend you get the book "Learning OpenCV" by Bradsky and Kaehler. Your university library probably has a copy, and if not, it's only $40 anyway.

That will give you a good resource for getting started. Note though, that it was written before OpenCV 2.1, so the code examples are no longer ideal. However, the concepts covered should be helpful to you.

When you run into more specific problems, come back and post specific questions about them.

Finally, regarding "respected sir", there are a lot of women working in software and programming these days, so I'd recommend using a gender-neutral general hail in the future.
