




I'm trying to call a different tooltip according to an anchor tag's id attribute. My JavaScript code is as follows:

      content: {
          url: "" + $(this).attr("id") // doesn't work

      hide: { when: 'mouseout', fixed: true },

       position: {
         corner: {
            target: 'bottomRight',
            tooltip: 'topLeft'


my html code looks like this:

<div>this is the text and I would like to reference the <a href="product.php" class="tippy" id="123456">superproduct</a> with qtip.</div>

I'm pretty stuck, could you give me a hand please?

+4  A: 

Use each():

$('.tippy').each(function() {  
          content: {
              url: "" + $(this).attr("id")
          hide: { when: 'mouseout', fixed: true },   
          position: {
             corner: {
                target: 'bottomRight',
                tooltip: 'topLeft'

The reason why $(this) does not work in your code is simple: It is not inside a function call (at least not where this should refer to a .tippy element). $(this).attr() is executed when you construct the object that is passed to qtip(). That means it is in the same context as $('.tippy') and therefore this most probably refers to window.

Felix Kling
thanks a lot!!!
@webcanguro: You're welcome. You should accept this answer if it helped you.
Felix Kling