



My company uses stored procs for all SELECT operations so it's making it rather difficult for me to create sensible navigation properties. I'm not too concerned at this point whether they're lazy loaded or not.

So for example I created an entity for Customer then created a FunctionImport to map GetAllCustomersSP to return a collection of Customer entities. But I want a navigation property "Orders" on each Customer entity.

But if I use the Customer entity partial class to just add this property, the problem is that I don't have access to the original Context, so I can't call the GetCustomerOrdersSP either explicitly or deferred.

The only option I can see is to modify my repository to add these properties in explicitly, which seems lame because it puts the entity logic into the repository.

Is there something I'm missing here? I can see in the entity model designer that I can specify custom insert, update, delete SPs but I don't see any way to use select SPs to actually retrieve the data.