I have a simple vb.net form a tabpanel strip, and then a seperate form which is loaded for the tabpage.
Here is the code for the button that dynamically creates new tabs:
Dim tempTab As New TabPage
xt.SelectedIndex = xt.TabCount - 1
Here is the code for the "initTab":
Dim tmpTab As New MainTab
tmpTab.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
tmpTab.Panel1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
tab.Text = "Untitled"
tab.Name = " "
I can easily set the focus of any tab by entering following which sets the focus for example to the last tab:
xt.SelectedIndex = xt.TabCount - 1
Now the issue is, how can I set the focus to a textbox on the custom form (in my example labeled "MainTab")? I've tried virtually everything I can google and I can't seem to find any example of how to setfocus or even set/get anything from the MainTab form.
Anyone can help me?