I have a Dataset that contains tables from a university database, two(actually more) of these tables contain a many to many relationship, specifically I have a,
Students table (Contains information about students) Courses table (Contains information about the courses) TakesCourses table (Which is an intermediary table between the Students and Courses tables, every student can have many courses)
I want to input a "student ID" and fetch all the records from the Courses table according to the records found in TakesCourses table.
My code WORKS and it is as follows:
string stdInfo = string.Empty;
DataRow[] drStudent = null;
DataRow drCourses = null;
DataRow[] drStdCrs = null;
drStudent = universityDS.Tables["Students"]
.Select(string.Format("StudentID='{0}'", txtStudentID.Text));
stdInfo += string.Format("Student {0} {1}:\nTaking Courses:",
drStdCrs = drStudent[0].GetChildRows(
//Can I optimize here? Is there a better way to code this
if (drStdCrs.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < drStdCrs.Length; i++)
drCourses = drStdCrs[i].GetParentRow(
stdInfo += string.Format("\nCourse: {0}",
My question is, how can I optimize the code after the comments? is there a better way to write this?
(Note: I am a recovering developer, trying to refresh my skills)