I want to create plugins on my own. Before doing that, I am trying to run the samples given in the Indesign sdk samples. I am using Mac, I downloaded the entire eclipse archive and set the indesgn cs5 sdk in the preference of eclipse. If i run some samples like BasicDialog, it is running successful and plugin is created. And for other samples like transparencyeffectui, I am getting only build is successful but no plugin is created. I dont know why this is happening for other samples.
And the another main problem is, I copied the plugin created for BasicDialog and pasted it inside the plugin folder of indesign. But when i open my indesign cs5, I am getting the following message
"Adobe Indesign cannot load the BasicDialog.sdk.IndesignPlugin plug-in. The BasicDialog.sdk.IndesignPlugin plug-in requires the debug version of Indesign. Please contact the vendor to get a compatible version of BasicDialog.sdk.IndesignPlugin."
I dont know where to get the debug version of indesign cs5, can anyone tell me where it is available ?