I'm developing an app that should allow the client to add several content sections to a page (in tabs). However I haven't found a way to easily create a form for editing the tabs.
Assume for now that a tab just contains a title. I have a form that adds a tab, that's simple. But I also want a form that displays a text input for each tab and allows the titles to be edited and saved. I'm struggling with two main concepts:
- How to dynamically display the fields after grabbing the tab data from the database (each tab has its own row in the table).
- How to loop through the submitted data and update each tab in the database.
- How to select a particular text field from the number (e.g. given "1", how to select the element with ID "TabTitle_1".
Currently I am limiting it to five fields and using code like this:
1. <asp:TextBox ID="TabTitle_1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br>
5. <asp:TextBox ID="TabTitle_5" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
With this on the server side to set up the tabs:
// numrows is the number of current tabs
If numrows > 0 Then
Me.TabTitle_1.Text = dtClientNotes.Rows(0).Item("title")
Me.TabTitle_1.Visible = True
End If
If numrows > 4 Then
Me.TabTitle_5.Text = dtClientNotes.Rows(4).Item("title")
Me.TabTitle_5.Visible = True
End If
With code like this to handle the form subnmission:
If numrows > 0 Then
Clients.EditTab(dtClientNotes.Rows(0).Item("id").ToString, Me.TabTitle_1.Text)
End If
I thought something like TabTitle[0]
would be acceptable and allow for easy looping (as it does in PHP) but it's "not a valid identifier" apparently.
It's very possible I have the approach completely on its head. I've used asp.net and VB quite a lot for simple forms, but I am more used to PHP. If anyone can provide some pointers I'd be very grateful!!