



Until today, I assumed that Windows CE was writing everything to disk and I wouldn't end up with a broken FAT16 when I removed the USB stick. Today, I was proven wrong.

I use a USB stick to test things on a WinCE 5.0 device. I don't write anything from the app or WinCE to the stick. I just execute my app, and my app reads its settings and pictures from the stick. Today, just this order of operations broke my stick filesystem (and I have to fix it).

Is there a way to tell WinCE 5.0 to unmount the stick before I remove it? It sees it as a "Hard Drive", and the tap-and-hold menu has nothing along the lines of "safely remove drive".

I'm happy with both code to do this operation and some trick that I didn't find in Windows CE yet. Thank you.


You can probably disable paging and disable caching for the store using the FAT File System registry entries. Performance is, obviously, going to suffer.
