




im not good with designing.

i wonder how i should design a website after the html layout has been set and the backend logic is there.

how to do with the design?

i cant image how long time it would take to test every detail with css mix-and-match (the size, the font, the colors, the background etc)

how do you guys do?

download free css templates? use photoshop for the logo text?

any suggestions would be helpful. thanks!

+5  A: 

If you're not good with design - find someone who is. My guess us that the person you'll find is not good with programming :)

In any case you better of paying for professional design rather then doing it yourself.

Very true. We (well, at least me) as programmers often wonder how people can possibly create such wonderful designs from scratch, but it's only when we meet a designer that we realize that they've been wondering the same about us all along.
+1  A: 

To design a web site you have to answer the following questions:

  1. What are you trying to accomplish with the site? The design should drive to that goal (i.e. a site that is designed to build a community users needs a big, obvious sign-up link front and center).
  2. Who is the audience? A site for pensioners needs a different approach than one that sells concert tickets.
  3. What feelings do you want your site to evoke?

Once you've got that figured out, hire a designer, crack open an image editor or start browsing the template sites to find something that meets your needs.
