



I am trying to find a topic for my thesis research! Is there anyone that can give me an idea for a good topic?

My major is about computer networks. I am getting a masters degree.


Mapreduce is pretty fashionable at the moment, so you could poke around at that.

Taking one of the standard 'big' problems and looking at how it could be expressed using map-reduce primitives might be interesting.

Graph coloring, Transitive closure, Relational join, Associative Map.

Anyway, that's the sort of thing I'm interested in, so it's the sort of thing I'd personally be looking at if I was searching for a masters project.


I think the whole idea of taking power away from the desktop is an interesting idea and you can definitely do a project on that I suppose.

Instead of running a high end game on an expensive PC, you have a cheap slave unit PC that simply sends key presses to the server and the server processes the actions and sends back a video stream of the result, hey presto the best games running on low end slave machines.

Tom Gullen